I'm actually really proud of these; though they aren't perfect [I can't do perfect. Obsessive, yes but perfect , never] This is the first time ever I have sketched an idea and it has come out exactly like I wanted it to. It was funny because I told my teacher he wasn't allowed to talk to me about my project [he really loves helping figure out problems and talk us through why we're doing what we're doing which is super exciting to have such a responsive and thoughtful teacher but at the same time it makes me almost always regret or rethink what I'm planning to almost disastrous ends] and he complied with my wishes though I could see it was a struggle for him not to discuss it with me. I also didn't tell anyone else what I was doing and it really helped not talking about it, just going ahead and doing it. If they asked I just screamed something like 'puppets' or something so then we nicknamed me the puppet master. And in the end that's how they turned out; toylike. I began with 100s of old postcards I found from this woman who traveled all over the place and wrote on these cards as if they were a diary or something. It was kind of sad because they were never sent to people. So I decided to bring the postcards together in a communicative way I guess...The people are from Israel and Italy, the hotels from Amsterdam, the long building from Sweden, the cars from Norway, and the mountains from Austria. I have many more cutouts from all the places she traveled and would like to continue making these interchangeable landscape rings. I think they're fun and it's a new way to do what used to do all the time, collage images, but in a wearable way. I'd like to work with silver or something though...nickel is such a bitch to work with: most jewelers despise and disown it because it's so brittle and hard and stupid and super poisonous. For some reason it's the only metal I work with. I guess I like killing myself faster than I thought.