Enough. Said.
Actually not really I could say a lot more but my memory does not permit me to relay stories in a coherent way that would make sense to anyone else so you will just have to be jealous.
Ok, maybe I'll try.
He did a reading from a cd he has coming out very soon which I will most certainly buy and encourage everyone else to as well [just so you can hear him talk in nicaraguan french]. He also discussed his obsession with catching animals as a small child and keeping them until they either died or escaped which included sea turtles, luna moths, and a friend with a flying squirrel among many others. The readings from his diary were incredibly hilarious, especially his thoughts on the depictions of Jesus on the cross and how he would like to see him portrayed so ugly and so fat that they needed a second cross to support his gargantuan weight, with fat hairy man titties and back acne, and where men would reminisce of jesus' canker sores and how they would burst and drip into his beard, a combover jesus. These are the two I can remember clearly at the moment...but it really was an hour? of a mixture of cringing/laughing/crying hysterically.
Then he read from Our Dumb World, the almanac from The Onion, because he likes to recommend a book he's enjoyed when he is on tour. I think just watching him crack up over reading 'Ethiopia-the distended and swollen belly of Africa home to a total of 615 lbs of people' was one of the best things about the show. He also recommended Everything Ravaged, Everything Burned by Wells Towers about modern day vikings not entirely enthused about raping and pillaging.
I was in line to get Naked signed but because I automatically assume that people need to keep a schedule I left the line hoping I could make it back to the shuttle in time before it left. But of course we had to wait for everyone in line to get their books signed before we could leave and thinking I had time to go back and get my book signed I tried to get back into the building where I was immediately yelled at and literally shoved out of the door by an angry old man. Needless to say I was incredibly fucking pissed and got to think about how upset I was for almost an hour while we waited for people to come back to the shuttle. I felt bad for the girl who was with me because she really wanted to talk with him. I'm still a little bitter.
I guess this is the part where I thank CCA for letting me go for free and thank the donors who probably didn't pay enough to cover even one person's semester tuition...but I think I'll just thank David Sedaris for being one of the funniest men with one of the best voices for story telling.
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