This is the 'finished' piece of the wax paper lace in progress post. I'm not too happy with it. I think the idea is fantastic but just technical problem after technical problem made me kind of give up and I just wanted to be done. After about a month working on this I just wasn't interested anymore and then that last final rush to finish just didn't work out; the clasp. Again I like the idea of the clasp [the design of which I stole from an antique book cover which connects the piece to the library stamp used for the lace pattern...in my head] but it just didn't turn out like I had expected and what I was doing [grinding the metal down so I would be able to bend it in order to fold the halves to create a back and front] ended up snapping the metal so in the end I had to epoxy the magnets to 4 seperate nickel pendent pieces which looks horrendous. I was working to 'de-value' the aristocratic ruff collars of the Elizabethan era by using wax paper and nickel while at the same time attempt to 'up grade' the wax paper material by historical association. I named the piece 'In Memory Of' because of the library stamp of Werner Lewald [who ended up being a WWII hero and president of half the bay area transportation companies before he died, which then ruined my piece for me because I felt like I was 'using him'...which I was] I used to make the lace pattern. I think there's a total of 15-17 layers of wax paper...I don't know...like I said...my idea is good I just can't ever follow through.
[also I see an obsession of giant neck pieces developing...great]
Werner Lewald was my grandfather.