Qiana Ellis [ex jehova witness]

Me [religiously incompetent]

Crista Reid [ex catholic]
12 Beards of the Apostles [at the last supper]-Me: Knitted from a variety of yarns each pattern is slightly different ranging from a soul patch [fourth from right] to full beards. I didn't make one for jesus because then it wouldn't be about the apostles. so Crista scored barbed wire from a friend and we fashioned a crown of thorns. For the opening we placed the table of food in front of the beards so it was like a play on the Last Supper.
Self Titled Tshirts [out of context text]- Crista and I. The three of us spent some time trying to find really strange bible verses and came up with these. I drew out the the designs and helped Crista print them with pigment. The idea was that since the vernacular and usage of words have changed over time certain passages sound strange out of context of the bible and then on the flip side how anything place on a tshirt becomes mass produced and trite. I thought it would be fun to have a bible so people could look up some themselves and underline them within the bible. I didn't want to use my mothers [the one I was reading/looking through] but I wanted the same one so that people could see the exact wording we used for the shirts [it varies depending on the sect's bible] and at the very last minute I found a catholic one that wasn't $50 [two stores had them priced that way]

[this was everyone's favorite one]

this one too

this one wasn't funny but interesting
Bernini's Dove with Dollar Bill- Me: I had this really epic idea of making stain glass windows but it just didn't work out. This was my shitty attempt.
Banners- Crista[religious tokens, prayer cards, crosses, etc beaded together],
Please Keep Our Restroom Clean [Johnny Rocket Rosary]-Me, Empty spot where Qiana had a gold leafed D cup bra called
The Holy Grail.

The Johnny Rocket Rosary [I used the bathroom coin I stole from a Johnny Rockets as a 'prayer' its the circle behind the cross]
Our Lady of Perpetual Indulgence-Qiana [I think that's what she called it] and two more of Crista's
Banners. She digitally printed out this picture of Kim Kardashian framed it then draped fabric round her shoulders. She also made little prayer medals of boobs, dicks, and dollar signs and placed them round the frame.

Normally you write up an artist statement of why you're doing this show but we came up with ten commandment questions of what bothers us about commercialized christianity/catholicism. I was adamant about not making fun of christianity and Crista wasn't entirely sure she how she really felt about the show in general and Qiana was all for being rude so we couldn't agree completely on a statement though I think it would have helped people understand a little better. I mean we were pretty much preaching to the choir at a california art school but some students are strong believers and were wondering why we chose christianity to poke fun of. It's one of the dominant religions in america and one that is constantly enforced in this country so it seemed appropriate. It's the most confusing to me anyway. There's too much to question for me to go into detail about it right now
It was sheer brilliance.